About Us
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak
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Who we are
The Athlete’s Foot is more than just a retail store; it’s a destination for athletic street style. At TAF, we want to be known for encouraging our customers to break the rules and explore the unexpected. So we’re transforming into a place with a pulse on the street that offers them the chance to craft their own story through clothing and style.
We are a heritage brand rooted in American sneaker culture. Our founders, Robert and David Lando, opened the first TAF store in 1971 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Athlete’s Foot was new and bold: the first athletic specialty store of its kind. Today, TAF has more than 560 stores in over 30 countries around the globe. We do more than sell athletic gear: we curate apparel that celebrates an active lifestyle. We are community-driven, locally relevant, and globally known. We are The Athlete’s Foot.