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Return & Exchange Policy

Terms & Conditions of Replacing and Returning Goods as per Executive Regulation of Law No 39/2014 regarding Consumer´s Protection

The following rules shall govern replacement and returning of goods and commodities:

1.) The consumer is entitled to replace or return goods and recover its value thereof within 30 days from the purchase date. unless a longer period was granted by the condition of guarantee announced by merchant or decided as customarily, as per the following terms & conditions:

a.) The goods shall be in the same intact condition when purchased.

b.) The consumer did not use the goods thereof in whatever way.

c.) The goods shall not be rapidly perishable, unless its damage or expiry of human usability on purchase was proven.

d.) The nature of the goods - and according to the required norms - shall not be refunded or exchanged.

• - If you find the goods cheaper, we will match the price

2.) Goods or commodities shall be returned in case a defect of malfunction was found therein, even if curable, or were noncompliant with the standards approved in State of Kuwait.

3.) In case goods or commodities were irreplaceable, it shall be returned. The seller shall refund the price thereof as per the value stated in the sale invoice in the same way used on purchasing thereof or any other way approved by the consumer.

4.)The consumer shall not forfeit the right thereof in practicing the right of replacement or returning when conditions stated herein are fulfilled, even If the goods or commodities were bought during the sales (discounts) licensed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. In such event, on refunding, the value of goods stated in the sale invoices shall be considered, in the same way used on purchase.

5.) In case the goode or commodities to be returned or replaced was fake, falsified or noncompliant with the compulsory standards approved in State of Kuwait, the consumer may recover the price thereof from the seller in cash, without prejudice to the right thereof to take all legal actions stated herein, as the case maybe, against the breaching seller.

6.) In case the reason of replacement was related to sizes, the buyer shall have the right to replace or return thereof within not more than 5 days. In case the alternative size was not available, the consumer may practice the right of returning and recovery of good price, provided the option of size is stated in the purchase invoice.

7.) In case the good to be returned was a precious substance, such as jewelry, watches, soiree clothes. glasses. wedding cloths, skin-contacting items and perfumes, in addition to the regulations stated in Clause (1) herein, the consumer may not exercise the option of returning and recovery, unless within not more than 24 hours, provided the return option is stated in the purchase invoice.

8.) In case the goods or commodity did not comply with what it has been agreed on, the consumer may return and recover the price thereof.

9.) The shop owners shall:

a.) Place a notice in a visible place inside the shop or store in Arabic language, at least, of whatever material, showing the conditions and mechanism of applying the provisions of returning and replacement.

b.) Not place the phrase of (No Refunds or Exchanges),

c.) Not charge the consumer of any cost against replacement or returning for whatever reason or nature, when the conditions of replacement or return stated herein are fulfilled.

10.) In no event, the consumer may be bound to accept replacement of good price, when returning conditions ara fulfilled, with future purchase coupons.

11.) The consumer may not exercise the option of returning or replacement in the following events:

a.) In case the consumer was aware of the defect or malfunction in the good on purchasing thereof and accepted its condition and the same was stated in the purchase invoice.

b.) In case the nature, features or packing method of the goods or commodity does not allow replacement or returning thereof, euch as being perishable or cannot be returned to its condition of purchase, so cannot be resold, unless the reason of returning or replacement is due to workmanship defects or violation of specification against the agreement, resulting from fraud in specifications and components.

c.) The rapidly perishable consumer goods are excluded, unless its corruption or expiry of human usability at the date of purchase, customized goods as per the consumers specifications. books, newspapers and magazines.

12.) Cash on Delivery - Refunds/Exchanges:

Exchanges can be made in any TAF store.

13.) Orders through TAP, Tamara, or Tabby:

Exchanges and refunds can be done in any TAF store on scheduled days - Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday only.

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